Vietnam Long-distance Trucking (In-land)
You can contact the relevant branches for more information
Associates: Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, LAX
Mode |
Type | Route | T/T(days) |
1FTL | Normal | HAN ↔ SGN | 3~4 |
HPH ↔ SGN | 3~4 | ||
HAN / HPH / SGN ↔ DAD | 2 | ||
Express | HAN ↔ SGN | 48 Hours | |
2LTL | Normal | HAN ↔ SGN | 4~5 |
HPH ↔ SGN | 5 | ||
HAN / SGN ↔ DAD (HPH No SVC) | 2~3 |
SGN ↔ DAD | 965 KM | 30 HOURs |
DAD ↔ HAN | 768 KM | 18 HOURs |
Provides regular LTL service for DAD ↔ HAN & SGN sections.
Truck Arrange is available for all types depending on customer needs.
Reduces logistics costs by
providing specialized services
according to customer needs.
Transport is possible not only
in Vietnam but also in
Cambodia and Loas.